If you have a Jira issue ticket, but you are not ready to schedule it or assign it to a proper team member who’s actually going to do the work, it is possible to create a Placeholder for the Jira task. There is also a possibility to create a placeholder for a task to block the time which you later can convert into a real Jira task.
There are two ways to add a task to a timeline as a Placeholder:
The easiest way to do this is to drag and drop the task holding the Ctrl key (Cmd key on Mac).
Another way to create a placeholder is to add it through Create New Item dialog:
1. Click on a cell on the Main Dashboard and select Placeholder
2. Create a new placeholder for the specific project and choose estimate, or use a quick issue search to choose the existing Jira issue.
The system will not schedule this task. The task will be still assigned to the previous assignee. However, the Placeholder that indicates that probably there will be potential work for the particular user will appear on the Timeline. If users need, they can create Jira Issue for this placeholder on the main dashboard :