Everyone needs a “big picture“ while setting both short-, and long-term objectives. It’s like a puzzle game – you need to fold different tasks and manage resources in such a way, that you receive a coherent picture at the end. Unfortunately, users can’t get such a picture in Jira as it doesn’t provide clear visibility. They can’t see the final point of the project, it’s challenging to plan in a long timeframe, as Jira doesn’t provide any kind of build-in calendar.
So, it’s vital to have a kind of planning calendar or timeline for every user, which will reflect the ongoing and future plans, but is flexible and allows changing them in few clicks as future plans are unstable and need correction.
Plan for Long Terms with ActivityTimeline
This Jira add-on contains both calendar&timeline, reflects resources&plans on the dashboard. The manager can understand who will do what and when effortlessly. The data is fully synchronized with Jira, and any changes to Jira tasks like dates or assignees will be reflected in the app automatically.