May 19, 2022
Task Management in Jira: 7 tips for effective work

Task Management in Jira: 7 tips for effective work

Task management may seem like a simple task, but it comes with a lot of complexity when you’re dealing with several projects and users in Jira. […]
June 19, 2018
Create your custom event in ActivityTimeline

Create your Jira custom events in ActivityTimeline

Tip of the Week #4: In addition to Jira’s standard issues, offers a range of local custom events that give you more control over your team’s workload. These […]
May 17, 2018
The Easiest Way to Create a Placeholder for the JIRA Task

The Easiest Way to Create a Placeholder for the Jira Task

If you have a Jira issue ticket, but you are not ready to schedule it or assign it to a proper team member who’s actually going […]
Try It